Life Insurance

There are many myths surrounding life insurance, but we are here to help guide you on how each insurance product works and whether it is the correct choice for you. LERA insurance company is not exclusively tied to any one life insurance product - this gives you, the buyer an advantage when committing to a policy. We will fight on your behalf to ensure that don't have to settle for a lackluster policy at an inflated rate.

The average healthy 30 year old male can secure a term life insurance policy for about $15 a month. If you're like the 60% of Americans who think life insurance is too expensive, or that those $15 could be invested into something else, it is time to take another look at life insurance. Life insurance is not a means of investing. The purpose of life insurance is to provide financially for those who depend on you the most and protect them financial hardship in the event you should you die unexpectedly.

Life insurance is complicated and every situation is different. The policy you choose should be structured to meet your life circumstances. Some policies offer accerlerated benefits which allow the policy holder to collect part of the benefit before he/she dies. No matter the policy, life insurance is not something that becomes cheaper over time. As a matter of fact, life insurance usually becomes more expensive with time because the potential policy holder continues to age.

This is why it is important to research which policy makes the most sense for your life circumstances as early as possible. Take advantage of our professional advisors by scheduling a consultation today. If you would like to read more information about life insurance feel free to click on the link below or send us an email with your questions to